Source code for avmu.avmu_exceptions


Each exception corresponds to the eponymous C error return code, prefixed with ``Avmu_Exception_``.

Note that these exceptions are also available as ``avmu.Avmu_Exception_*``, as they're
star-imported into the main avmu module.


[docs]class Avmu_Exception(Exception): ''' Base exception class that all library exceptions inherit from. This can be used to easily catch all exceptions that are specifically thrown by the ``avmu`` library. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Bad_Atten(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating the specified attenuation value was not valid. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Bad_Cal(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating the current calibration is invalid. Only relevant for VNAs. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Bad_Handle(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating the current handle passed to a DLL function was not valid. Generally indicates an internal error. If this occurs repeatedly, please contact support. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Bad_Hop(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating the specified hop-rate value was not valid. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Bad_Path(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating the specified path is not allowed, or was invalid. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Bad_Prom(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating that the AVMU PROM was not in a known format. Please contact support if this is a reoccurring issue. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Bytes(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating the DLL has received an incorrect number of bytes from the AVMU. Possibly indicative of a network issue. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Freq_Out_Of_Bounds(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating one of the specified frequency bounds was beyond the hardware's available range. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Interrupted(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating that the measurement was asynchronously interrupted from another thread. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_No_Response(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating the remote instrument failed to respond to commands within the current timeout period. If this persists, check your network and try power cycling the AVMU. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Missing_Ip(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating you have not yet specified the IP of the remote device before connecting. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Missing_Port(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating you have not yet specified the port for the remote device before connecting. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Missing_Hop(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating you have not yet specified the hop-rate for the remote device before connecting. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Missing_Atten(Avmu_Exception): ''' The switchboard config requires an attenuation value to be specified, and it has not been. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Missing_Freqs(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating you have not yet specified the frequency endpoints for the remote device before connecting. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Prog_Overflow(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating the generated program to run on the remote device was larger than it can handle. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Socket(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating an unknown socket error occured. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Too_Many_Points(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating you are trying to take more data points than the hardware is capable of. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Wrong_State(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating the hardware is not in the correct state for the function you are trying to call. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Empty_Prom(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating the remote device's PROM appears to be empty. Power cycle the AVMU, and if the problem persists, contact Akela. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Path_Already_Measured(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating you are adding a path to measure that you had already added. These restrictions have been relaxed in recent releases. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_No_Measured_Paths(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating there are no paths to measure, and the hardware has nothing to do. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Wrong_Program_Type(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating you are in sync mode and are trying to call an async startup function. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Unknown_Feature(Avmu_Exception): ''' Error code indicating the AVMU's prom indicates it has a hardware feature that this version of the DLL doesn't know about. Either indicates you need to update, or the prom is corrupted. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Feature_Not_Present(Avmu_Exception): ''' You are trying to configure a hardware feature not present in the connected AVMU. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_No_Attenuator_Present(Avmu_Exception): ''' You are trying to specify an attenuation value on hardware without an attenuator. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Bad_IP_Port(Avmu_Exception): ''' The UDP port you specified is not valid. You must use a port >= 1024 and < 65535 ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Task_Array_Invalid(Avmu_Exception): ''' The batch-task array parameter appears to not be valid. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Path_Has_No_Data(Avmu_Exception): ''' No data was acquired for the specified path. Either you didn't add the path, didn't call measure(), or something else is wrong. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Err_Index_Out_Of_Bounds(Avmu_Exception): ''' The sweep index/exclusion band you are trying to extract is outside the bounds of the array. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Err_Invalid_Parameter(Avmu_Exception): ''' One of the specified parameters is not valid. If you are specifying sweep frequency, check your frequency bands. ''' pass
[docs]class Avmu_Exception_Err_Prom_Invalid_Feature_Configuration(Avmu_Exception): ''' The AVMU's prom contains feature flags that are incompatible with each other. Please contact support. ''' pass
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